
Ufo uses a set of naming conventions. This helps enforce some best practices and also allows the ufo commands to be concise. You can override or bypass the conventions easily.

UFO_ENV to ECS Cluster Convention

By default, the ECS cluster value is the same as UFO_ENV’s value. So if UFO_ENV=production then the ECS Cluster is production and if UFO_ENV=development then the ECS Cluster is development. You can override this convention by specifying the --cluster CLI option. You can also override this behavior with settings.yml to spare you from having to type --cluster repeatedly.

Service and Task Names Convention

Ufo assumes a convention that service_name and the task_name are the same. If you would like to override this convention, then you can specify the task name.

ufo ship demo-web --task my-task

This means that in the task_definition.rb you will also define it with my-task. For example:

task_definition "my-task" do
  source "web" # this corresponds to the file in "ufo/templates/web.json.erb"
    family: "my-task",

Web Service Load Balancer Convention

By convention, if the service has a container named “web”, ufo will automatically create an ELB. If you would like to name a service with the word “web” without an ELB, specify --elb false. Example:

ufo ship demo-web --elb false

You can also use an existing ELB by specifying the target group arn as the value of the --elb option. Example:

ufo ship demo-web --elb arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:12345689:targetgroup/demo-web/12345

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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