
The behavior of ufo can be configured with a settings.yml file. A starter project .ufo/settings.yml file is generated as part of the ufo init command. There are can be multiple settings files. The options from the files get merged and respected in the following precedence:

  1. current folder - The current folder’s .ufo/settings.yml values take the highest precedence.
  2. user - The user’s ~/.ufo/settings.yml values take the second highest precedence.
  3. default - The default settings bundled with the tool takes the lowest precedence.

Let’s take a look at an example settings.yml:

  image: tongueroo/demo-ufo
  # clean_keep: 30 # cleans up docker images on your docker server.
  # ecr_keep: 30 # cleans up images on ECR and keeps this remaining amount. Defaults to keep all.
  # network_profile: default # .ufo/settings/network/default.yml file
  # cfn_profile: default # .ufo/settings/cfn/default.yml file

  # cluster: dev # uncomment if you want the cluster name be other than the default
                 # the default is to match UFO_ENV.  So UFO_ENV=development means the ECS
                 # cluster will be name development
  # The aws_profile tightly binds UFO_ENV to AWS_PROFILE and vice-versa.
  # aws_profile: dev_profile

  # cluster: prod
  # aws_profile: prod_profile

The table below covers each setting:

Setting Description
aws_profile If you have the AWS_PROFILE environment variable set, this will ensure that you are deploying the right UFO_ENV to the right AWS environment. It is explained below.
cfn_profile The name of the cfn profile settings file to use. Maps to .ufo/settings/cfn/NAME.yml file. Will match an UFO_ENV file if it exists. IE: .ufo/settings/cfn/development.yml. Otherwise it defaults to .ufo/settings/cfn/default.yml.
clean_keep Docker images generated from ufo are cleaned up automatically for you at the end of ufo ship. This controls how many docker images to keep around. The default is 3.
cluster By convention, the ECS cluster that ufo deploys to matches the UFO_ENV. If UFO=development, then ufo ship deploys to the development ECS cluster. This is option overrides this convention.
ecr_keep If you are using AWS ECR, then the ECR images can also be automatically cleaned up at the end of ufo ship. By default this is set to nil and all AWS ECR are kept.
image The image value is the name that ufo will use for the Docker image name to be built. Only provide the basename part of the image name without the tag because ufo automatically generates the tag for you. For example, tongueroo/demo-ufo is correct and tongueroo/demo-ufo:my-tag is incorrect.
managed_security_groups Create managed security groups for application ELBs. Defaults to true. If you disable it with false then no managed security groups will be created by UFO.
network_profile The name of the network profile settings file to use. Maps to .ufo/settings/network/NAME.yml file. Will match an UFO_ENV file if it exists. IE: .ufo/settings/network/development.yml. Otherwise it defaults to .ufo/settings/network/default.yml.


An interesting option is aws_profile. This allows you to tightly connect an AWS_PROFILE to a UFO_ENV. The details are in the Settings AWS_PROFILE docs.

ECS Cluster Convention

Normally, the ECS cluster defaults to whatever UFO_ENV is set to by convention. For example, when UFO_ENV=production the ECS Cluster is production and when UFO_ENV=development the ECS Cluster is development. There are several ways to override this behavior. This is detailed in the Settings Cluster docs.

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