
Ufo creates a .ufo folder within your project which contains the required files used by ufo to build and deploy docker images to ECS. The standard directory structure of the .ufo folder looks like this:

├── output
├── params.yml
├── settings.yml
├── settings/cfn/default.yml
├── settings/network/default.yml
├── task_definitions.rb
├── templates
|   └── main.json.erb
└── variables
    ├── base.rb
    ├── production.rb
    └── development.rb

The table below covers the purpose of each folder and file.

File / Directory Description
iam_roles/ Where ufo managed iam roles associated with the task definition can be defined. For more details see: IAM Roles.
output/ The folder where the generated task definitions are written to. The way the task definitions are generated is covered in ufo tasks build.
params This is where you can adjust the params that get send to the aws-sdk api calls for the ufo task command. More info at Params.
settings.yml Ufo’s general settings file, where you adjust the default settings.
settings/cfn/default.yml Ufo’s cfn settings. You can customize the CloudFormation resource properties here.
settings/network/default.yml Ufo’s network settings. You can customize the vpc and subnets to used here.
task_definitions.rb This is where you define the task definitions and specify the variables to be used by the ERB templates.
templates/ The ERB templates with the task definition json code. The templates are covered in more detail in ufo tasks build.
templates/main.json.erb This is the main and starter template task definition json file that ufo initially generates.
variables This is where you can define shared variables that are made available to the template_definitions.rb and your templates. More info at Variables.

Now that you know where the ufo configurations are located and what they look like, let’s use ufo!

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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