Ufo Task Params

You can run one off task with the ufo task command.

The ufo task commands:

  1. Builds the docker image
  2. Registers the ECS task definition
  3. Runs the command

The params that ufo sends to the ruby aws-sdk methods to for the one off task can be customized with a params.yml file. This allows you use the full power of the aws-sdk.

A starter project .ufo/params.yml file is generated as part of the ufo init command. Let’s take a look at an example params.yml:

# These params are passsed to the corresponding aws-sdk ecs client methods.
# AWS Docs example: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/ECS/Client.html#run_task-instance_method
# The network helper provides access to the .ufo/settings/network/[PROFILE].yml
# More docs: http://ufoships.com/docs/params/

# ufo task calls run_tasks
  # network_configuration is required for FARGATE
      subnets: <%= network[:ecs_subnets].inspect %> # required
      security_groups: <%= network[:ecs_security_groups].inspect %>
      assign_public_ip: "ENABLED" # accepts ENABLED, DISABLED

Ufo provides 1st class citizen access to adjust the params sent to the aws-sdk calls:

ERB and shared variables are available in the params file. You can also define the subnets in your config/variables and use them in them in the params.yml file.

Note, the params.yml file does not have access to the task_definition_name helper method. That is only available in the task_definitions.rb template_definition code blocks.

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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