ufo apps


ufo apps


List apps.

This command lists ECS services for an ECS cluster. It includes ECS services that were not created by ufo also. A Ufo? column value of yes indicates that the ECS service was created by ufo version 4 and above. If the service was created with ufo version 3 and below then it will show up as no.


$ ufo apps
Listing ECS services in the development cluster.
|                   Service Name                   | Task Definition | Running | Launch type | Ufo? |
| development-demo-web-Ecs-7GAUAXH5F56M (demo-web) | demo-web:85     | 2       | FARGATE     | yes  |


[--clusters=one two three]   # List of clusters
[--verbose], [--no-verbose]  
[--mute], [--no-mute]        
[--noop], [--no-noop]        
[--cluster=CLUSTER]          # Cluster.  Overrides .ufo/settings.yml.

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