ufo ship


ufo ship SERVICE


Builds and ships container image to the ECS service.

The main command you use when using ufo is: ufo ship. This command:

  1. builds the docker image
  2. registers the generated ECS task definition
  3. deploys the definition to AWS ECS

Basic usage is:

ufo ship demo-web

The ECS service gets created if the service does not yet exist on the cluster.


By convention, the task and service names match. If you need to override this convention, then you can use the task option. For example, if you want to ship to the demo-web-1 service and use the demo-web task, run:

ufo ship demo-web-1 --task demo-web

Options in Detail

The command has a decent amount of options, you can see the options available with ufo ship -h. The table below covers some of the options in detail:

Option Description
--cluster This decides what cluster to use. This can also be set in ufo/settings.yml covered in Settings. The cli option takes highest precedence.
--ecr-keep This integer option determines how many old docker images to keep around. Ufo will automatically delete and clean up docker images at the end of this process. The default is to keep all. If you set this, set it at a reasonable high number like 30.
--elb-eip-ids EIP Allocation ids to use for network load balancer. If specified then --elb-type is automatically assumed to be network.
--elb-type ELB type: application or network. Keep current deployed elb type when not specified.
--elb Decides to create elb, not create elb or use existing target group.
--pretty This boolean option determines ufo generates the task definitions in output in a pretty human readable format.
--stop-old-tasks This boolean option determines if ufo will call ecs stop-task on the old tasks after deployment. Sometimes old tasks hang around for a little bit with ECS this forces them along a little quicker. This option forceably kills running tasks, so configuring deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds is recommended in the cfn settings instead. Note, it seems like deregistration_delay is currently is respected for Application ELBs but not Network ELBs.
--task By convention ufo uses the same name for both the ECS service and task definition. You can override this convention with this option. The conventions are covered on the Conventions page.
--wait This boolean option determines if ufo blocks and waits until the service has been deployed before continuing.

As you can see there are plenty of options for ufo ship. Let’s demonstrate usage of them in a few examples.

Load Balancer

ECS services can be associated with a Load Balancer upon creation. Ufo can automatically create a load balancer. The options:

  1. Automatically create the ELB.
  2. Provide a target group from an existing ELB.
  3. No ELB is created.

Here are examples for each of them:

ufo ship demo-web --elb=true

# Use existing target group from pre-created ELB:
ufo ship demo-web --elb=arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:123456789:targetgroup/target-name/2378947392743

# Disable creating elb and prompt:
ufo ship demo-web --elb=false

Note, if the docker container’s name is web then the --elb flag defaults to true automatically.

If you need to create a network load balancer with pre-allocated EIPs, you can use --elb-eip-ids, example:

ufo deploy demo-web --elb-eip-ids eipalloc-a8de9ca1 eipalloc-a8de9ca2

More info available at the load balancer docs.

Deploying Task Definition without Docker Build

Let’s you want skip the docker build phase and only want use ufo to deploy a task definition. You can do this with the ufo deploy command. Refer to ufo deploy for more info.

Not Waiting for Deployments to Complete

By default when ufo updates the ECS service with the new task definition, it does so synchronuously. It’ll wait until the CloudFormation stack finishes. You can make it asynchronuously with the --no-wait option:

ufo ship demo-web --no-wait

The --no-wait option is useful for creating multiple environments:: How to Create Unlimited Extra Environments .

Route 53 DNS Support

Ufo can automatically create a “pretty” route53 record an set it to the created ELB dns name. This is done in by configuring the .ufo/settings/network/[profile].yml file. Example:

  name: "{stack_name}.mydomain.com."
  hosted_zone_name: mydomain.com. # dont forget the trailing period

Refer to Route53 Support for more info.

Cleaning up Docker Images Automatically

Since ufo builds the Docker image every time there’s a deployment, you eventually will end up with a long list of Docker images. Ufo automatically cleans up older docker images at the end of the deploy process if you are using AWS ECR. By default ufo keeps the most recent 30 Docker images. This can be adjusted with the --ecr-keep option.

docker ship demo-web --ecr-keep 2

You should see something like this:

Cleaning up docker images...
Running: docker rmi tongueroo/demo-ufo:ufo-2017-06-12T06-46-12-a18aa30

If you are using DockerHub or another registry, ufo does not automatically clean up images.

Scheduling Strategy

You can set the ECS scheduling strategy dynamically. Here’s an example:

ufo ship --scheduling-strategy daemon

You can change the scheduling strategy by explicitly specifying it. Otherwise, the scheduling strategy state is maintained for future deployments, so you do not have to specify it repeatedly. The default scheduling strategy is replica.


[--ecr-keep=N]                               # ECR specific cleanup of old images.  Specifies how many images to keep.  Only runs if the images are ECR images. Defaults keeps all images.
[--elb=ELB]                                  # Decides to create elb, not create elb or use existing target group.
[--elb-eip-ids=one two three]                # EIP Allocation ids to use for network load balancer.
[--elb-type=ELB_TYPE]                        # ELB type: application or network. Keep current deployed elb type when not specified.
[--scheduling-strategy=SCHEDULING_STRATEGY]  # Scheduling strategy to use for the service. IE: replica, daemon
[--stop-old-tasks], [--no-stop-old-tasks]    # Stop old tasks as part of deployment to speed it up
[--task=TASK]                                # ECS task name, to override the task name convention.
[--wait], [--no-wait]                        # Wait for deployment to complete
                                             # Default: true
[--image-override=IMAGE_OVERRIDE]            # Override image in task definition for quick testing
[--verbose], [--no-verbose]                  
[--mute], [--no-mute]                        
[--noop], [--no-noop]                        
[--cluster=CLUSTER]                          # Cluster.  Overrides .ufo/settings.yml.

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